Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

List of new acquisitions (April 2024)

Anzahl der neu eingegebenen Titel: 528



00.00 Allgemeines

Aufsätze und Artikel

Arsu, Sebnem: Mit dem Kopf woanders : rund eine Million Männer fliegt jährlich für Haartransplantationen in die Türkei ; für das Land am Bosporus ist der boomende Medizintourismus ein Wirtschaftsfaktor - für die Betroffenen der Weg zu mehr Selbstvertrauen ; doch nicht alle Anbieter sind seriös / Sebnem Arsu ; Anna-Sophie Schneider, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 60-65
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Benedyk, Karolina: Dafür müssen sie bluten : für viele ärmere Frauen weltweit sind Tampons und Binden eine finanzielle Last - nur in Schottland gibt es ein Gesetz zur kostenlosen Bereitstellung aller Menstruationsprodukte ; bei dem Tabuthema fühlt sich die Politik nicht zuständig: warum eigentlich? / Karolina Benedyk, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 66-67
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Blasberg, Marian: "Du kannst dich schöner, selbstbewusster und sicherer fühlen" : gutes Aussehen gilt in Brasilien quasi als Menschenrecht - Fettabsaugungen, Nasenkorrekturen oder Facelifts werden häufig finanziert vom staatlichen Gesundheitssystem ; wie daraus eine Diktatur der Schönheit wurde, hat die Anthropologin Carmen Alvaro Jarrin, 43, erforscht / Interview: Marian Blasberg, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 74-77
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Bredow, Birte: "Das schlechte Gewissen wird voll angesprochen" : Abtreibungsgegner behelligen mit Mahnwachen Schwangere vor Kliniken und Beratungsstellen ; ein neues Gesetz soll die Frauen besser schützen ; Kritikerinnen geht das Vorhaben nicht weit genug / Birte Bredow ; Kristin Haug, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 24-25
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Bredow, Rafaela von: Dr. Mann : Frauen werden medizinisch schlechter versorgt als Männer ; das ist teuer und ungerecht ; warum tun wir eigentlich (fast) nichts dagegen? / Rafaela von Bredow, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 6
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Graca Peters, Katharina: Der Alltag kommt noch früh genug : nach einer Geburt verbringen Südkoreanerinnen mehrere Wochen in einer Klinik mit Massagen, Stillberatung und gesunden Mahlzeiten ; ausgerechnet im Land mit der weltweit niedrigsten Geburtenrate werden Wöchnerinnen liebevoll umsorgt / Katharina Graca Peters, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 68-72
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Hackenbroch, Veronika: "Männliche Frühgeborene haben schlechtere Chancen zu überleben" : Immunsysteme von Mann und Frau sind unterschiedlicher als lange angenommen ; der Immunologe Marcus Altfeld, 53, und die angehende Kinderärztin Dimitra Zazara, 34, erklären, wie neue Erkenntnisse helfen, Krankheiten wie Asthma, HIV oder Rheuma besser zu verstehen ; [Interview] / das Gespräch führte ... Veronika Hackenbroch, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 14-16
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Hassenkamp, Milena: Babys nach Maß : in Deutschland ist es verboten, eigene Embryos von einer fremden Frau austragen zu lassen ; bei einer Messe in Berlin buhlen Anbieter aus dem Ausland trotzdem um verzweifelte Paare, die sich ein Kind wünschen - und dafür viel Geld zahlen würden / Milena Hassenkamp, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 34-37
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Heinrich, Christian: Mann, bleib gesund : oft wird kritisiert, die Frau komme in der medizinischen Versorgung zu kurz ; Andrologen prangern aber auch die Unterversorgtheit der Männer an ; vor allem hormonelle Störungen werden selten untersucht und entdeckt / Christian Heinrich, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 88-89
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Koerth, Katharina: Frauenherzen schlagen anders : Femtech-Gründerinnen wollen mit innovativen Apps und Geräten die Gesundheitsversorgung von Frauen verbessern - doch die große weibliche Medizinrevolution bleibt aus ; warum? / Katharina Koerth, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 48-51
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Löffler, Constanze: Sei stark! Sei perfekt! Streng dich an! : Depression hat bei Männern oft andere, weniger bekannte Symptome ; darum wird sie bei ihnen seltener diagnostiziert als bei Frauen ; doch die Nöte sind nicht kleiner / Constanze Löffler, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 90-92
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Musall, Bettina: "Mit der Pistole in die Sprechstunde" : Männer gehen ungern zur Therapie ; der Psychotherapeut und Analytiker Frank Dammasch, 68, erklärt die Gründe und was Angehörige und Freunde tun können / Interview: Bettina Musall, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 94-95
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Preker, Alexander: Weniger ist schwer : Abnehmspritzen versprechen schnelle Schlankheit auf Rezept - und lassen ihre Hersteller boomen ; doch die Konkurrenz zieht nach, wer entwickelt als Erstes die Abnehmpille? Und wie wirken sich die Wundermittel auf unser Schönheitsideal aus? / Alexander Preker, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 54-55
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Rydlink, Katherine: "Auf einmal verändern sich das Denken und das Fühlen" : wer Testosteron oder Östrogen einnimmt, macht nicht nur einen körperlichen Wandel durch ; auch Emotionen und Verhaltensweisen ändern sich ; eine trans Frau und ein trans Mann erzählen, welche Macht Hormone haben / Katherine Rydlink, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 80-84
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Schultz, Stefan: Neun Jahre krank : das globale Wirtschaftswachstum könnte jährlich um eine Billion Dollar zulegen, wenn die medizinische Versorgung von Frauen besser wäre ; doch wie krempelt man die Gesundheitssysteme um? / Stefan Schultz, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 56
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Schwarze, Elisa: Kranke zweiter Klasse : auch zwei Jahre nach dem Ausbruch der Viruserkrankung gibt es Probleme mit dem Impfstoff ; und den bösen Verdacht Betroffener, dass die Infektionswelle nicht ernst genug genommen wurde, weil überwiegend Schwule erkrankten / Elisa Schwarze, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 32-33
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Supp, Barbara: Einfach nur Ärztin sein : Diagnose: Rassismus? Eine in Iran geborene Urologin erzählt, wie Männer und Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund das Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland erleben / von Barbara Supp, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 41-45
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Unterberg, Swantje: Abschied vom Wunschkind : jedes Jahr beenden gut 3000 Frauen in Deutschland ihre Schwangerschaft nach den ersten drei Monaten, oft wegen einer Behinderung des Kindes ; das ist möglich, aber rechtlich und ethisch umstritten ; eine Expertinnenkommission fordert endlich klare Regeln / Swantje Unterberg, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 20-23
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Usluer, Mertcan: Von Geburt an fremd : oft heißt es, dass Herkunft und Geschlecht in der Medizin keine Rolle spielten ; als queerer, nicht weißer Gynäkologe bin ich sensibilisiert, wenn es um Diskriminierung im Klinikalltag geht - ich erlebe sie fast täglich ; was sich ändern muss / von Mertcan Usluer, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 86-87
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Der große Unterschied : seit der Antike galt Ärzten der männliche Körper als Norm ; das Leiden der Frauen wurde ignoriert, bagatellisiert, verhöhnt ; jetzt finden Forschende immer mehr Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern - und revolutionieren das Bild von Mann und Frau / Christopher Bonnen ; Rafaela von Bredow ; Ina Brzoska ; Christian Heinrich, 2024.
In: Der Spiegel. - o.J. (2024), H. 17a [April 2024], S. 8-14
Z00.00 SP01 2024.17a
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben


05.19 Philosophische Ethik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Jonas, Hans: Das Prinzip Verantwortung : Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation / Hans Jonas. Mit einem Nachwort von Robert Habeck. - Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2020. - 420 S.
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E05.19 JONA 2020.01

Kaufmann, Matthias: Ethik und Moral? Frag doch einfach! : Klare Antworten aus erster Hand / Matthias Kaufmann. - München : UVK Verl., 2024. - 202 S. - (Uni-Taschenbücher ; 5444. Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaften)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E05.19 KAUF 2024.01

05.21 Wissenschaft und Ethik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Bowen, Robin T.: Ethics and the practice of forensic science / Robin T Bowen. - 3. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, 2024. - XVII, 310 S. - (International forensic science and investigation)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E05.21 BOWE 2024.01

nach oben


10.03 Moraltheologie und Sozialethik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Roser, Traugott: Spiritual Care : der Beitrag von Seelsorge zum Gesundheitswesen / Traugott Roser. - 2., aktual. und erw. Aufl. - Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2017. - 565 S. - (Münchner Reihe Palliative Care ; 3)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E10.03 ROSE 2017.01

nach oben

Allgemeine Bioethik

14.13 Ethik und Patentierung

Aufsätze und Artikel

Cookson, Clive: Of mice, men and money : legal action over patent disputes threatens to stifle investment in biotechnology [...] / Clive Cookson and Julie Clayton, 1992.
In: Financial Times. - o.Jg. (1992), [03.06.1992], o. S.
#14.13 COOK 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Nuttall, Nick: Genetic patents threaten the search for new medicines : lawyers and not the sick could benefit most from a move by US researchers / Nick Nuttall, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [09.06.1992], o. S.
#14.13 NUTT 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben

Medizinische Ethik

15.00 Medizinische Ethik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Curtis-Wendlandt, Lisa: Chasing Tourette's : time, freedom, and the missing self / Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - XI, 262 S. - (Philosophy and medicine ; 145)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E15.00 PH01 145

15.09 Ethik des Gesundheitswesens

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Mitchell, Derek: The philosophy of person-centered healthcare / by Derek Mitchell and Michael Loughlin. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2023. - VIII, 196 S.
15.09 MITC 2023.01

Aufsätze und Artikel

Daniels, Anthony: When too much knowledge can make fools of us all : the enormous cost of treating Laura Davies has highlighted a growing problem for medicine - but it is not just a question of economics [...] / Anthony Daniels, 1992.
In: The Daily Telegraph. - o.Jg. (1992), [06.06.1992], o. S.
#15.09 DANI 1992.01

Laurance, Jeremy: Legal action on Aids carriers rejected : the HIV scare at a Birmingham factory has failed to persuade the government to reconsider its stance on controls through the court system / Jeremy Laurence, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [27.06.1992], o. S.
#15.09 LAUR 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

15.12 Neuroethik

Aufsätze und Artikel

Austin-Eames, Louis: Should moral bioenhancement be covert? : A response to Crutchfield / Louis Austin-Eames, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Chomanski, Bartlomiej: Mental integrity in the attention of economy : in search of the right to attention / Bartlomiej Chomanski, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Collins, Benjamin: Invasive neurotechnology : a study of the concept of invasiveness in neuroethics / Benjamin Collins ; Eran Klein, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Day, Parker: Present and emerging ethical issues with tDCS use : a summary and review / Parker Day ; Jack Twiddy ; Veljko Dubljevic, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Diner, Sarah: Potential consciousness of human cerebral organoids : on similarity-based views in precautionary discourse / Sarah Diner, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Dorfman, Natalie: Hope and optimism in pediatric deep brain stimulation : key stakeholder perspectives / Natalie Dorfman ; Lilly Snellman ; Ynez Kerley ; Kristin Kostick-Quenet ; Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz ; Eric A. Storch ; Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Heinrichs, Jan-Hendrik: Brain age prediction and the challenge of biological concepts of aging / Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Hertz, Nora: Neurorights - do we need new human rights? : A reconsideration of the right to freedom of thought / Nora Hertz, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Lara, Francisco: Neurorehabilitation of offenders, consent and consequentialist ethics / Francisco Lara, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Lavazza, Andrea: Philosophical foundation of the right to mental integrity in the age of neurotechnologies / Andrea Lavazza ; Rudolfo Giorgi, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Lee, Joseph: Mild cognitive impairment in relation to Alzheimer's disease : an investigation of principles, classifications, ethics, and problems / Joseph Lee, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 2, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.02

Mason, Xenos L.: Challenges to the diagnosis of functional neurological disorder : feigning, intentionality, and responsibility / Xenos L. Mason, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Maundrell, Richard: Brain death : still a puzzle after all these years / Richard Maundrell, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Muñoz, José M.: A conceptual framework to safeguard the neuroright to personal autonomy / José M. Muñoz ; Javier Bernácer ; Francisco Güell, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Nie, Chenwei: Revisiting Maher's one-factor theory of delusion / Chenwei Nie, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 2, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.02

Rainey, Stephen: Neurorights as Hohfeldian privileges / Stephen Rainey, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Tacca, Alessio: Why won't you listen to me? : Predictive neurotechnology and epistemic authority / Alessio Tacca ; Frederic Gilbert, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Zawadzki, Przemyslaw: The ethics of memory modification : personal narratives, relational selves and autonomy / Przemyslaw Zawadzki, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

Addiction and volitional abilities : stakeholders' understandings and their ethical and practical implications / Marianne Rochette ; Matthew Valiquette ; Claudia Barned ; Eric Racine, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

The ethics of human brain organoid transplantation in animals / Masanori Kataoka ; Christopher Gyngell ; Julian Savulescu ; Tsutomu Sawai, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Merging minds : the conceptual and ethical impacts of emerging technologies for collective minds / David M. Lyreskog ; Hazem Zohny ; Julian Savulescu ; Ilina Singh, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

The mystery of mental integrity : clarifying its relevance to neurotechnologies / Hazem Zohny ; David M. Lyreskog ; Ilina Singh ; Julian Savulescu, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Neurointerventions in criminal justice : on the scope of the moral right to bodily integrity / V. Tesink ; T. Douglas ; L. Forsberg ; S. Ligthart ; G. Meynen, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

Normailty and the treatment-enhancement distinction / Daniel Martín ; Jon Rueda ; Brian D. Earp ; Ivar R. Hannikainen, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 2, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.02

Recruitment and engagement of indigenous peoples in brain-related health research / Miles Schaffrick ; Melissa L. Perreault ; Louise Harding ; Judy Illes, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 3, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.03

The role of family members in psychiatric deep brain stimulation trials : more than psychosocial support / Marion Boulicault ; Sara Goering ; Eran Klein ; Darin Dougherty ; Alik S. Widge, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 2, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.02

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in pediatric populations : voices from typically developing children and adolescents and their parents / Anna Sierawska ; Maike Splittgerber ; Vera Moliadze ; Michael Siniatchkin ; Alena Buyx, 2023.
In: Neuroethics. - 16 (2023), H. 1, o. S.
Z15.12 NE01 2023.01

15.17 Ethik der Fortpflanzungsmedizin

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Bericht der Kommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin. - Jülich : Kommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin, 2024. - 627 S.
Kurzbericht unter der Signatur #15.17 KOMM 2024 vorhanden
15.17 KOMM 2024.01

Bericht der Kommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin : Kurzbericht. - Jülich : Kommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin, 2024. - 41 S.
Ausführlicher Bericht unter der Signatur 15.17 KOMM 2024.01 vorhanden
#15.17 KOMM 2024.01

Aufsätze und Artikel

Warnock, Mary: The heat is on for frozen babies : a divorced American couple has been locked in a court battle over their IVF embryos ; Mary Warnock explains why such disasteful litigation would not be possible here / Mary Warnock, 1992.
In: The Observer. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [07.06.1992], o. S.
#15.17 WARN 1992.01

15.19 Ethik und Pädiatrie

Aufsätze und Artikel

Dean, Malcom: Baby J and a question of ethics : how to allow people to die with dignity: the oldest medical dilemma in the world remains as murky as ever ; Malcom Dean on a question of consent / Malcom Dean, 1992.
In: The Guardian. - o.Jg. (1992), [06.06.1992], o. S.
#15.19 DEAN 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

Shaw, Terence: Judges scrap order to put baby on life support / Terence Shaw, 1992.
In: The Daily Telegraph. - o.Jg. (1992), [04.06.1992], o. S.
#15.19 SHAW 1992

15.21 Behinderung

Aufsätze und Artikel

Kingman, Sharon: Insuring against a parent's greatest fear : a new scheme is offering cover against unforeseen physical or mental handicaps in babies ; but how well does it deliver on its promise of peace of mind? Sharon Kingman reads the small print / Sharon Kingman, 1992.
In: The Independent. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [09.06.1992], o. S.
#15.21 KING 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

15.29 Sterben und Tod

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Chabot, Boudewijn: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. Mit einem Geleitwort von Dieter Birnbacher. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, 2021. - 226 S.
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

15.37 Ethik und Sexualität

Aufsätze und Artikel

Insley, Jill: Homosexuals looking for life quotes face problems : insurance companies' attitudes are different from the industry's official policy [...] / Jill Insley, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [25.07.1992], o. S.
#15.37 INSL 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

15.43 Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis

Aufsätze und Artikel

Limits of minor's right to refuse treatment, 1992.
In: The Guardian. - o.Jg. (1992), [22.07.1992], o. S.
#15.43 LIMI 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

15.44 Ärztliche Standesethik

Aufsätze und Artikel

Court will not order doctor to treat, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [12.06.1992], o.S.
#15.44 COUR 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

15.45 Ethik der Pflegeberufe

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Fowler, Marsha Diane Mary: Nursing ethics, 1880s to the present : an archaeology of lost wisdom and identity / Marsha Fowler. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2024. - XII, 411 S.
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E15.45 FOWL 2024.01

15.50 Ethik der medizinischen Forschung

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Ethics and integrity in research with older people and service users : moving beyond the rhetoric / ed. by Roger O'Sullivan. - 1. ed. - Leeds : Emerald Publ., 2024. - XXXII, 205 S. - (Advances in research ethics and integrity ; 9)
15.50 OSUL 2024.01

Aufsätze und Artikel

Hawkes, Nigel: Scientists' right to be wrong : Nigel Hawkes on the mood of caution among researchers / Nigel Hawkes, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [27.06.1992], o. S.
#15.50 HAWK 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben

Ökologische Ethik

16.00 Ökologische Ethik

Aufsätze und Artikel

Cherfas, Jeremy: Poison lingers in the system : why is the World Health Organisation still recommending use of the notorious insecticide DDT when there are cheaper, more effective alternatives? / Jeremy Cherfas, 1992.
In: The Independent. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [22.06.1992], o. S.
#16.00 CHER 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben


17.00 Tierethik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Kloth-Manstetten, Monika: Die Wand aus Glas : der menschliche Blick auf Tiere in Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Literatur / Monika Kloth-Manstetten. - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Alber, 2024. - 377 S.
17.00 KLOT 2024.01

Animal dignity : philosophical reflections on non-human existence / ed. by Melanie Challenger. - London [u.a.] : Bloomsbury Acad., 2023. - XVII, 275 S.
17.00 CHAL 2023.01

17.07 Tierschutz

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Heister, Anja: Beyond the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation : from lethal to compassionate conservation / Anja Heister. - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. - XVI, 273 S. - (The Palgrave Macmillan animal ethics series)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E17.07 HEIS 2022.01

nach oben

Ethik in Politik und Gesellschaft

22.00 Ethik in Politik und Gesellschaft

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Seidler, Victor J.: Covid-19 and global inequalities : vulnerable humans / Victor Jeleniewski Seidler. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2024. - XXI, 249 S. - (Routledge studies in environment and health)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E22.00 SEID 2024.01

nach oben


29.05 Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik

Bücher und andere selbständige Publikationen

Bisconti, Piercosma: Hybrid societies : living with social robots / Piercosma Bisconti. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, 2024. - 154 S. - (Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vohanden
E29.05 BISC 2024.01

Gloy, Karen: Mensch oder Roboter : Natur oder Künstliche Intelligenz? / Karen Gloy. - Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2024. - 145 S.
29.05 GLOY 2024.01

Gupta, Suman: The practical philosophy of AI-assistants : an engineering-humanities conversation / Suman Gupta ; Peter H. Tu. - London [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., 2024. - XVII, 261 S.
29.05 GUPT 2024.01

Mainzer, Klaus: Grenzen der KI - theoretisch, praktisch, ethisch / Klaus Mainzer ; Reinhard Kahle. - Berlin : Springer, 2022. - XII, 155 S. - (Technik im Fokus)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E29.05 MAIN 2022.01

Mainzer, Klaus: Limits of AI - theoretical, practical, ethical / Klaus Mainzer ; Reinhard Kahle. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - XII, 158 S. - (Technik im Fokus)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E29.05 MAIN 2024.01

Marino, Domenico: Ethics and artificial intelligence : towards a moral technology / Domenico Marino ; Daniele Cananzi ; Filippo Aragona. - Cham : Springer, 2024. - VIII, 83 S. - (Studies in systems, decision and control ; 519)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E29.05 MARI 2024.01

Schmiljun, André: Moralische Roboter : humanistisch-philosophische Grundlagen und didaktische Anwendungen / André Schmiljun ; Iga Maria Schmiljun. - Bielefeld : transcript, 2024. - 226 S. - (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)
29.05 SCHM 2024.01

Tardy, Jean E.: The creation of a conscious machine : the quest for artificial intelligence / Jean E. Tardy. - 2. ed. - Boston, MA : Mercury Learning and Information, 2024. - XIV, 214 S. - (MLI Generative AI Series)
29.05 TARD 2024.01

Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds.. - Singapore : Springer, 2024. - XXI, 485 S. - (Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics and multidisciplinary applications)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Human-centered AI : a multidisciplinary perspective for policy-makers, auditors, and users / ed. by Catherine Régis ; Jean-Louis Denis ; Maria Luciana Axente ; Atsuo Kishimoto. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, 2024. - XV, 342 S. - (Chapman & Hall/CRC artificial intelligence and robotics series)
Nur als elektronische Ausgabe vorhanden
E29.05 REGI 2024.01

nach oben


65.01 Gentechnik und Biotechnik

Aufsätze und Artikel

Rudnick, David: A dip in the gene pool / David Rudnick, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [16.06.1992], o. S.
#65.01 RUDN 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

65.02 Gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel

Aufsätze und Artikel

Watts, Susan: Engineered food may be sold without approval / Susan Watts, 1992.
In: The Independent. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [23.07.1992], o. S.
#65.02 WATT 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben


70.11 Alternative Medizin

Aufsätze und Artikel

Pallot, Peter: Register for healers on the fringe / Peter Pallot, 1992.
In: The Daily Telegraph. - o.Jg. (1992), [19.06.1992], o.S.
#70.11 PALL 1992.01

Roberts, Alison: Bottomley endorses a new status for alternative medicine / Alison Roberts, 1992.
In: The Times. - o.Jg. (1992), o.H. [19.06.1992], o. S.
#70.11 ROBE 1992.01
Eigene Recherche im Online-Angebot der Zeitung

nach oben

ohne Name

Z15.0 ohne Name

Aufsätze und Artikel

Bounameaux, Henri: Künstliche Intelligenz : Hype oder Revolution? / Henri Bounameaux, 2024.
In: SAMW Bulletin. - o.Jg. (2024), H. 1, S. 2
EZ15.00 SA01 2024.01
Volltext (PDF)

Hösli, Irene: Konstruktiv, kontrovers, divers : Doppel-Interview über die Zusammenarbeit in der ZEK ; aufgrund der Amtszeitbeschränkung auf zweimal vier Jahre verlassen Prof. Dr. Irene Hösli (I. H.), Vertreterin der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, und PD Dr. Klaus Bally (K. B.), Vertreter der Hausarztmedizin, die Zentrale Ethikkommission (ZEK) ; im Doppel-Interview reflektieren sie ihre Zeit in der grössten Kommission der SAMW und äussern ihre Wünsche für deren Zukunft, 2024.
In: SAMW Bulletin. - o.Jg. (2024), H. 1, S. 6
EZ15.00 SA01 2024.01
Volltext (PDF)

Wicki, Andreas: Künstliche Intelligenz für die Onkologie : Potenzial für Therapieentscheide / Andreas Wicki, 2024.
In: SAMW Bulletin. - o.Jg. (2024), H. 1, S. 1-3
EZ15.00 SA01 2024.01
Volltext (PDF)

Swiss Personalized Health Network : solide Grundlage für KI in der hiesigen Medizin, 2024.
In: SAMW Bulletin. - o.Jg. (2024), H. 1, S. 4
EZ15.00 SA01 2024.01
Volltext (PDF)

Z15.1 ohne Name

Aufsätze und Artikel

Boyd, J. Lomax: Dimensions of consciousness and the moral status of brain organoids / J. Lomax Boyd ; Nethanel Lipshitz, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Croxford, James: The case against organoid consciousness / James Croxford ; Tim Bayne, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Erler, Alexandre: Human brain organoid transplantation : testing the foundations of animal research ethics / Alexandre Erler, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 2, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.02

Gaillard, Maxence: Global versus local theories of consciousness and the consciousness assessment issue in brain organoids / Maxence Gaillard, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Grier, Ava: Ethical implications of the impact of fracking on brain health / Ava Grier ; Judy Illes, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Ivankovic, Viktor: What (if anything) morally separates environmental from neurochemical behavioral interventions? / Viktor Ivankovic, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Jurjako, Marko: How to advance the debate on the criminal responsibility of antisocial offenders / Marko Jurjako ; Luca Malatesti ; Inti A. Brazil, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Jwa, Anita S.: Rationales and approaches to protecting brain data : a scoping review / Anita S. Jwa ; Nicole Martinez-Martin, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Langlitz, Nicolas: Psychedelic therapy as form of life / Nicolas Langlitz ; Alex K. Gearin, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Muñoz, José M.: "You shall have the thought" : "habeas cogitationem" as a new legal remedy to enforce freedom of thinking and neurorights / José M. Muñoz ; José Ángel Marinaro, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Royle, Nicholas: Stream of consciousness : some propositions and reflections / Nicholas Royle, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Sargent, Sophie: Health aspirations for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) / Sophie Sargent ; Judy Illes, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Sullivan, Christi R. P.: Rewriting the script : the needs for effective education to address racial disparities in transcranial magnetic stimulation uptake in BIPOC communities / Christi R. P. Sullivan ; Alex Henry ; Jonathan Lehman ; Logan Caola ; Ziad Nahas ; Alik S. Widge ; Laura Y. Cabrera ; Anita Randolph ; Saydra Wilson, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Sullivan-Bissett, Ema: Revisiting Maher's one-factor theory of delusion, again / Ema Sullivan-Bissett ; Paul Noordhof, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Villiger, Daniel: Giving consent to the ineffable / Daniel Villiger, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Wolff, Hannes: Patentability of brain organoids derived from iPSC : a legal evaluation with interdisciplinary aspects / Hannes Wolff, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Caregivers of ALS patients : their experiences and needs / Kun Yang ; Hongxia Xue ; Li Li ; Shan Tang, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

The psychological process underlying attitudes toward human-animal chimeric brain research : an empirical investigation / Tetsushi Tanibe ; Takumo Watanabe ; Mineki Oguchi ; Kazuki Iijima ; Koji Ota, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Safeguarding users of consumer mental health apps in research and product improvement studies : an interview study / Kamiel Verbeke ; Charu Jain ; Ambra Shpendi ; Pascal Borry, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

When the trial ends : the case for post-trial provisions in clinical psychedelic research / Edward Jacobs ; Ashleigh Murphy-Beiner ; Ian Rouiller ; David Nutt ; Meg J. Spriggs, 2024.
In: Neuroethics. - 17 (2024), H. 1, o. S.
EZ15.12 NE01 2024.01

Aufsätze aus Sammelwerken

nach oben

Medizinische Ethik

15.00 Medizinische Ethik

Al Dossari, Mae: The future tools for medical training, assessment, and certification / Mae Al Dossari and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 387-403
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Alves, Óscar L.: Robotic surgery and artificial intelligence in spine and brain surgery : ethical challenges / Óscar L. Alves, Margarida L. Alves, and Susana Magalhães, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 249-261
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: Distance learning and on job training from a messenger pigeon to implanted brain microchips interface and metaverse / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 375-386
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: The integration of values-based medical education (VsBME) in the education and training processes : a conceptual framework for neurosurgical/surgical/medical education and training / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 119-132
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: Moral injury and education trauma! : Moral injury seriously hinders the education and career development / Ahmed Ammar and Ahmed Shoka, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 167-181
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: My patients have taught me! / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 59-67
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: Neurosurgeon is the second victim of surgical adverse events and errors : a road map for mitigation and learning opportunity / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 199-211
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: Training of trainers in medicine, surgery, and neurosurgery / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 27-37
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Ammar, Ahmed: Values-based medical education (VsBME) : trainee is the center of the training system / Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 111-117
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Anderson, Emily E.: What we talk about when we talk about the ethics of engaging patient and community stakeholders in health research : introduction / Emily E. Anderson, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 3-10
E15.00 PH01 146

Babu, Maya A.: Dealing with families of patients with severe brain injury : how long to treat, when to turn off support, organ donation / Maya A. Babu, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 477-487
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Ballance, Lisa: Paying research participants and community and patient research partners : an engaging ethical issue / Lisa Ballance and Elizabeth Ripley, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 181-195
E15.00 PH01 146

Baños, Josep E.: History of bioethics / Josep E. Baños and Elena Guardiola, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 19-32
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Beizai, Kristin: Innovations in psychiatric care models : lessons from the past to inform the future / Kristin Beizai, Ashley Stone, and Yash Joshi, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 25-39
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Bennett, Erica C.: Subtle approach to the mores of the Navajo Nation / Erica C. Bennett and Ethan Paddock, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 273-304
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Beyer, Todd D.: Surgery on the incarcerated patient / Todd D. Beyer and Megan K. Applewhite, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 305-315
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Broekman, M. L. D.: Ethics of clinical research / M. L. D. Broekman, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 89-94
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Bryan, Darren S.: Trainee involvement in surgical care / Darren S. Bryan and Peter Angelos, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 171-179
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Burcher, Paul: The changing ethical landscape of cesarean delivery on maternal request / Paul Burcher, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 333-344
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Busquets Alibés, Ester: The principlist approach in bioethics / Ester Busquets-Alibés and Lydia Feito, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 33-50
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Cambra-Badii, Irene: The challenge of teaching bioethics / Irene Cambra-Badii, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 183-200
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Carleton, T. Johelen: Is informed consent ever truly informed? / T. Johelen Carleton and Pringl Miller, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 77-89
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Chiavaroli, Neville: Revisiting the value of empathy for bioethics education / Neville Chiavaroli, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 206-221
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Chou, Tommy: Reflexivity : a strategy for ethics- and values-driven community partnerships in mental health / Tommy Chou and Stacy L. Frazier, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 81-92
E15.00 PH01 146

Cobbaut, Jean-Philippe: Physicians and organization : for a reflective organizational professionalism / Jean-Philippe Cobbaut and Grégory Aiguier, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 345-362
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Conant, Leah: Ethical conflicts in surrogate decision making / Leah Conant and Piroska Kopar, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 553-567
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Connor, J. T. H.: Doctors' white coats, the white coat ceremony, and medical oath-taking in historical and institutional context / J. T. H. Connor, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 186-205
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Crellin, John K.: Complementary/alternative medicine (C.A.M.) : an entrée to medical humanities/ethics / John K. Crellin, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 113-129
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Curkovic, Marko: Interpersonal or relational professionalism / Marko Curkovic and Ana Borovecki, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 179-215
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Curkovic, Marko: Medical professionalism : philosophical framework / Marko Curkovic and Carlo Casalone, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 113-159
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Curkovic, Marko: Physicians towards colleagues and vice versa / Marko Curkovic and Ana Borovecki, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 231-260
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Curkovic, Marko: Physicians towards other health care professionals and vice versa / Marko Curkovic and Luciana Caenazzo, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 261-287
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Curkovic, Marko: Professionalism and medical practice : cultural perspectives / Marko Curkovic and Mounir Farag, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 425-450
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Curto, Eric M.: Goals of care discussions in high-risk surgery / Eric M. Curto, Robert P. Sticca, and Sabha Ganai, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 91-104
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Dell'Oro, Roberto: The physician patient relationship : a philosophical perspective on medical professionalism and virtues / Roberto Dell'Oro, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 217-229
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Diaz Amado, Eduardo: Critical bioethical approach to health crisis scenarios / Eduardo Diaz Amado, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 165-182
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Douglas, Aaron R.: The need for a common set of competencies as components of a medical professional construct, paired with a common program of assessment / Aaron R. Douglas, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 35-57
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Eckstein, Jens: Mobile sensors in healthcare : technical, ethical, and medical aspects / Jens Eckstein, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 41-50
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Ehsani, Sepehr: New horizons in studying the cellular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease / Sepehr Ehsani, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 51-88
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Elger, Bernice S.: Victims or actors? : Can professionalism shape physicians' roles inside the health care system? / Bernice S. Elger, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 363-379
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Emmerich, Nathan: Afterthoughts : towards a realpolitik of professionalism / Nathan Emmerich and Bert Gordijn, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 471-481
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Evans, Andrew: Theorizing participatory research / Andrew Evans and Angela Potochnik, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 11-26
E15.00 PH01 146

Faraj, Moneer K.: Career development and talent education / Moneer K. Faraj and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 229-237
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Farré, Magí: Bioethics in biomedical research / Magí Farré and Josep E. Baños, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 53-71
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Feizi, Amir: Harnessing AI and genomics to accelerate drug discovery / Amir Feizi and Jahir M. Gutierrez, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 89-106
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Fennern, Eric: Surgical empathy / Eric Fennern and Malini D. Sur, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 131-143
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Ferreres, Alberto R.: The ethics of medical missions (con) / Alberto R. Ferreres, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 585-598
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Ferreres, Alberto R.: Expert witness testifying against colleagues / Alberto R. Ferreres, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 241-254
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Gajovic, Srecko: Physicians as agents in evolving knowledge landscapes / Srecko Gajovic and Ciara Heavin, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 459-470
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Gerosa, Gino: Cardiovascular services in the COVID-19 hot zone : Italy / Gino Gerosa, Nicola Pradegan, and Assunta Fabozzo, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 659-671
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Ghalambor, Masoud: Ethical challenges in applying new technologies in orthopedic surgery / Masoud Ghalambor, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 107-118
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Glauner, Patrick: An assessment of the AI regulation proposed by the European Commission / Patrick Glauner, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 119-127
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Goel, Atuel: The anatomy of education and learning process : the Indian perspective / Atuel Goel and Abhidha Shah, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 39-46
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Goldman, Aaron James: Post-truth implications for COVID-Era healthcare : verification, trust, and vaccine skepticism / Aaron James Goldman, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 129-146
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Grant, Alexis: Beyond good intentions : principles for anti-racist community-engaged research / Alexis Grant and Andrea L. DaViera, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 41-63
E15.00 PH01 146

Grossman, Eric: Changing landscape of what is ethical and appropriate / Eric Grossman and Hannah Kornfeld, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 399-413
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Grotenhuis, André: The progress of the teaching and learning process in neurosurgery over the years / André Grotenhuis, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 47-55
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Gunay, Alize E.: Community research ethics oversight : place, experience, and expertise / Alize E. Gunay, Phoebe Friesen, and Emily M. A. Doerksen, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 275-297
E15.00 PH01 146

Guta, Adrian: Rethinking risks and benefits in stakeholder-engaged research : lessons from HIV, sunstance use, and sexual health research with marginalized communities / Adrian Guta, Peter A. Newman, and Adam Bourne, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 197-217
E15.00 PH01 146

Guyton, Kristina: Communication during awake surgery : training residents and disclosure to patients / Kristina Guyton, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 159-170
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Haddad, Amy: The impact of clinical simulations in pharmacy ethics education / Amy Haddad, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 24-44
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Hall, Tracilyn: Ethics of fertility sparing oncologic surgery in women / Tracilyn Hall and Claire Hoppenot, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 345-358
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Have, Henk A. M. J. ten: Bioethics as a window to a critical and global way of life / Henk ten Have, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 79-94
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Have, Henk A. M. J. ten: Physicians as citizens of the world / Henk ten Have, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 451-458
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Hayek, A.: Difficult trainers : the toxic, the rigid, and the impaired / A. Hayek and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 155-166
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Heide, Anna Katharina: Patents on inventions involving AI in the life sciences and healthcare / Anna Katherina Heide, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 147-178
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Hess, Annie: Ethics of pediatric bariatric surgery / Annie Hess and Baddr A. Shakhsheer, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 433-445
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Honeybul, Stephen: The ethics of neurosurgical training / Stephen Honeybul and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 77-87
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Hoppenot, Claire: Medical missions to developing countries (pro) / Claire Hoppenot, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 571-583
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Howland, Hannah: Redesigning relations : coordinating machine learning variables and sociobuilt contexts in COVID-19 and beyond / Hannah Howland, Vadim Keyser, and Farzad Mahootian, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 179-205
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Hurley, Elisa A.: Applying the Belmont principles to stakeholder-engaged research : adaptions and limitations / Elisa A. Hurley, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 247-257
E15.00 PH01 146

Karekezi, Claire: Dreams and realities! : Challenges in low- and middle-income countries / Claire Karekezi, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 213-218
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Kasparbauer, Anna: Sensor devices, the source of innovative therapy and prevention / Anna Kasparbauer, Veronika Reisner, Cosmia Schenk, Anna Glas, Helena Lutfi, Oscar Blanco, and Thomas Spittler, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 207-226
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Kiehl, Tim-Rasmus: Digital and computational pathology : a specialty reimagined / Tim-Rasmus Kiehl, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 227-250
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Kobayashi, Shigeaki: What is the training in neurosurgery all about? : Lessons learned from Japanese culture / Shigeaki Kobayashi, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 17-25
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Kopar, Piroska: The panic of the pandemic : who lives, who dies / Piroska Kopar, Douglas Brown, and Peter Angelos, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 631-646
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Kunhardt, Horst: Modern home care : a glimpse into the future of patient-centered healthcare systems / Horst Kunhardt, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 251-261
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Landeen, Kelly C.: Introducing new techniques, technology, and medical devices / Kelly C. Landeen, Fabien Maldonado, and Alexander Langerman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 687-704
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Lang, Estefanía: Teledermatology : current indications and future perspectives / Estefanía Lang, Alice Martin, and Elien Wallaeys, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 263-272
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Lehman, Amy G.: Invited commentary : medical missions to developing countries / Amy G. Lehman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 599-604
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Lin, Chen: Anal sparing surgery : pushing the limits of patient autonomy / Chen Lin, Peipei Wang, and Bin Wu, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 359-370
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Lonchyna, Vassyl A.: Notable ethical surgeons / Vassyl A. Lonchyna, Peggy Kelley, and Peter Angelos, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 41-59
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Luc, Jessica G. Y.: What makes surgical ethics unique? / Jessica G. Y. Luc, Jason J. Han, and Robert M. Sade, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 27-39
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Lushniak, Boris D.: COVID-19 caught the world unprepared / Boris D. Lushniak, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 617-629
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

MacGregor, Robert M.: Death by neurologic criteria in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units / Robert M. MacGregor and Baddr A. Shakhsheer, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 447-459
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Macip, Salvador: Challenges in biomedical areas / Salvador Macip and Christopher Willmott, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 129-148
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Makhoul, Alan T.: Transparency in surgery / Alan T. Makhoul, Brian C. Drolet, and Alexander Langerman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 63-76
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Malhotra, Armaan K.: The culture of surgical training / Armaan K. Malhotra, Mojgan Hodaie, and Mark Bernstein, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 3-16
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Mant, Madeleine: "You've got to be carefully taught" : introduction / Madeline Mant, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 1-10
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Maria, Noor-ul-Huda: Harnessing technology, a step forward to become "Der Herr der Welt" of neurosurgery / Noor-ul-Huda Maria and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 405-439
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Mathiesen, Tiit: Utilitarianism and consequentialism in learning / Tiit Mathiesen, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 95-100
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

McLendon Postlewait, Lauren: Ethical questions of surgical trials / Lauren McLendon Postlewait and Puneet Singh, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 675-686
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

McMillan, Gianna: The power of personal narrative : my experience with SACHRP, the FDA, and bioethics / Gianna McMillan, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 143-149
E15.00 PH01 146

Mikesell, Lisa: An evolving ethical framework for patient and community-engaged research / Lisa Mikesell, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 27-39
E15.00 PH01 146

Milner, Ross: Ethical decision-making of treatment of aortic aneurysm, elective or emergent (ruptured) / Ross Milner and Rolla Zarifa, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 375-386
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Mistry, Karishma B.: The ethics of telehealth in surgery / Karishma B. Mistry, Karen Devon, and Sabha Ganai, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 105-119
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Mitzman, Brian: A system overwhelmed by a pandemic : the New York response / Brian Mitzman, Samantha Ratner, and Barron H. Lerner, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 647-658
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Morita, Akio: Current and future microsurgical skills assessment / Akio Morita, Yasuo Murai, and Mamoru Mitsuishi, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 249-356
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Morlans, Màrius: Ethics of health care allocation of resources : the case of organ transplantation / Marius Morlans Molina and Marc Antoni Broggi Trias, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 93-111
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Mosavel, Maghboeba: Community researchers and ethical considerations : burdens in the field / Maghboeba Mosavel and Briona Phillips, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 107-119
E15.00 PH01 146

Mounsey, Chris: Textbook professionalism : the transmission of medical knowledge in the early eighteenth century / Chris Mounsey, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 222-238
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Nemetz, Elisheva T. A.: Teaching surgical ethics / Elisheva T. A. Nemetz, Sabha Ganai, and Karen Devon, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 147-157
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Orefice, Carlo: Towards a definition of bioethics as a discipline / Carlo Orfice, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 3-18
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Papanikitas, Andrew: What do doctors and society owe each other? : A Scanlonian reflection on medical professionalism / Andrew Papanikitas and Peter D. Young, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 381-401
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Parhizkar, Maryam: The outlook for novel pharmaceutics / Maryam Parhizkar and Dimitrios Tsaoulidis, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 301-315
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Parker, Lisa: Patient advocacy organizations and conflicts of interest in research / Lisa Parker and Barbara Mintzes, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 153-169
E15.00 PH01 146

Pereira, Xavier: Surgical training during a pandemic / Xavier Pereira and Mindy B. Statter, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 197-216
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Plugmann, Julia: The future open innovation approach in health care needs patients' support / Julia Plugmann and Philipp Plugmann, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 317-328
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Portales Velasco, María Bernardita: Roles and challenges for clinical ethics committees and clinical ethics consultation systems / María Bernardita Portales Velasco and Juan Pablo Beca Infante, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 149-164
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Rabadán, Alejandra T.: Neurochips : an ethical consideration / Alejandra T. Rabadán and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 101-109
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Raman, Jaishankar: Denial of life support in disabled patients / Jaishankar Raman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 387-396
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Raman, Jaishankar: How to deliver bad news : a family postmortem / Jaishankar Raman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 121-129
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Ray, Shuddhadeb: Goals of care with palliative surgery / Shuddhadeb Ray, Douglas Brown, and Piroska Kopar, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 539-551
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Reis-Dennis, Samuel: Rationing ventilators / Samuel Reis-Dennis and Megan K. Applewhite, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 503-518
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Roksandic Vidlicka, Suncana: Medical professionalism : legal framework / Suncana Roksandic Vidlicka, Aleksandar Marsavelski, and Svetlana Paramanova, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 61-79
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Román Maestre, Begoña: Social bioethics / Begoña Román Maestre, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 112-126
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Salloch, Sabine: Physicians towards society (and vice versa) / Sabine Salloch, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 403-421
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Samuel, Nardin: The difficult trainee : strategies for recognizing and addressing training challenges / Nardin Samuel, Mark Bernstein, and Mojgan Hodaie, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 145-153
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Semplicini, Andrea: Medical professionalism : a developmental view from the trenches / Andrea Semplicini and Renzo Pegoraro, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 17-34
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Shapiro, Michael: Peri-operative DNR : an ethical dilemma / Michael Shapiro, Eric A. Singer, and Pringl Miller, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 521-537
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Shoka, Ahmed: Cross-border learning and career development / Ahmed Shoka and Ahmed Ammar, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 135-144
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Shutran, Max: Current and future training for endovascular neurosurgery : global neurology, neurosurgery, and neuroradiology / Max Shutran and Christopher S. Ogilvy, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 367-373
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Siegler, Mark: The importance of formal education and training in clinical medical ethics for the 21st century / Mark Siegler, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 9-26
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Simpson, Christy: The (country) road not often taken : challenging traditional norms and assumptions in bioethics / Christy Simpson and Fiona McDonald, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 95-112
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Singh, Puneet: Surgical disclosure of errors / Puneet Singh, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 219-228
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Skowron Olortegui, Kinga B.: Can professionalism be taught during residency? / Kinga B. Skowron Olortegui and Christian Fernandez Olortegui, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 181-195
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Skowron Olortegui, Kinga B.: Invited commentary for anal sparing surgery : pushing the limits of patient autonomy / Kinga B. Skowron Olortegui, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 371-373
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Solbakk, Jan Helge: Bio(po)ethics : didactic inspirations / Jan Helge Solbakk, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 149-185
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Solomon Cargill, Stephanie: Stakeholder engagement and (the limits of) IRB review / Stephanie Solomon Cargill, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 259-274
E15.00 PH01 146

Sotomayor, Claudia Ruiz: Medical professionalism from a virtue ethics perspective / Claudia Ruiz Sotomayor and Myles N. Sheehan, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 161-175
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Sozudogru, Erman: Uncertainty in medicine : an active definition / Erman Sozudogru, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 329-341
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Spellecy, Ryan: Representing and protecting : gatekeepers in community-engaged research / Ryan Spellecy, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 171-180
E15.00 PH01 146

Spittler, Thomas: Innovations for sustainable healthcare / Thomas Spittler and Helena Lutfi, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 343-357
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Suah, Ashley: Ethics and national health policy change : a case study of the transplant system in China / Ashley Suah and Michael Millis, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 605-614
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Tambone, Vittoradolfo: Bioethics teaching methodology for medical residents, and nursing and biomedical engineering students / Vittaoradolfo Tambone and Giampaolo Ghilardi, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 13-23
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Terribas-Sala, Núria: Unresolved problems in bioethics : the beginning and end of life / Núria Terribas-Sala, 2024.
In: Bioethics : foundations, applications, and future challenges / eds. Irene Cambra-Badii ; Ester Busquets-Alibés ; Núria Terribas-Sala ; Josep-E. Baños. - 1. ed. - Boca Raton, FL [u.a.] : CRC Press, (2024). - ISBN 978-1-003-26988-5. - S. 72-92
E15.00 CAMB 2024.01

Teven, Chad M.: Burned beyond recognition : ethics of care / Chad M. Teven, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 489-502
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Thieringer, Florian M.: Medical additive manufacturing in surgery : translating innovation to the point of care / Florian M. Thieringer, Philipp Honigmann, and Neha Sherma, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 359-376
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Thiong'o, Grace M.: Hybrid learning in neurosurgery / Grace M. Thiong'o and James T. Rutka, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 241-248
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Tumiel-Berhalter, Laurene: How do you define community and why is it important? / Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter and Linda Kahn, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 95-106
E15.00 PH01 146

Turel, Keki: Learning from errors/mistakes / Keki Turel, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 183-198
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Vemulakonda, Vijaya: Ethical issues raised by fetal interventions for lethal anomalies / Vijaya Vemulakonda and Margret Bock, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 461-474
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Vivanco, Luis: Professionalism and medical practice : introduction / Luis Vivanco and Roberto C. Delgado Bolton, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 3-16
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Walker, Simon: Ethical concepts in clinical decision-making and ethics teaching / Simon Walker and John McMillan, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 130-146
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Wall, Anji: Uterus transplantation / Anji Wall and Giuliano Testa, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 705-717
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Wan, Mark H.: The future of medical education / Mark H. Wan and Qiu Ning Lee, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 377-383
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Warren, Marika: Engaging with experiences of stigma to enhance bioethics education for medical learners / Marika Warren, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 60-76
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Welie, Jos V. M.: Interdisciplinary challenges to inter professional practice / Jos V. M. Welie, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 289-314
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Wightman, Sean C.: Surgical buy-in for major operations / Sean C. Wightman, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 319-331
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Wirpsa, M. Jeanne: Acceptance or refusal of surgery due to religious or cultural reasons / M. Jeanne Wirpsa, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 257-271
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Xiang, Jianping: Application of AI diagnosis and treatment for cerebral diseases / Jianping Xiang and Bin Xu, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 299-320
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Yeung, Andy W. K.: Personalized dental medicine with specific focus on the use of data from diagnostic dental imaging / Andy W. K. Yeung and Michael M. Bornstein, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 385-398
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Zhu, An Ping Junming: Artificial intelligence (AI) in neurosurgery / An Ping Junming Zhu and Bin Xu, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 263-281
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Zhu, An Ping Junming: Voxel-based morphometry of brain tumors / An Ping Junming Zhu and Bin Xu, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 321-335
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Application status and prospect of artificial intelligence in neurosurgery / Wangming Yang, Yufei Huang, Lan Qin, and Bin Xu, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 283-298
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Approaches to the teaching of bioethics to bioscience students / J. Roger Downie, Henriikka Mustajoki, Barbara Cogdell and Chris Growney, 2021.
In: The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / ed. by Madeleine Mant and Chris Mounsey. - New York [u.a.] : Routledge, (2021). - ISBN 978-1-003-10715-6. - S. 45-59
E15.00 MANT 2021.01

Cancer patients paying hefty prices for newest treatments : case of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) ablation of prostate cancer / Ciro Andolfi, Scott J. Hunter, R. Matthew Galocy, and Arieh L. Shalhav, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 719-728
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

A careful balance of the benefits and burdens of pediatric ECMO / Samara Lewis, Maria Urdaneta Perez, Catherine Hunter, and Erica M. Carlisle, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 415-431
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

Community conversations about culturally responsive health research for African American communities / Adina Black, Millicent Robinson, Paige Castro-Reyes, Al Richmond, Latajah Lassus, and Nancy Shore, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 129-141
E15.00 PH01 146

Community-engaged research with people with developmental disabilities : a conversation with community researchers about their ethical inclusion / Brendan Durkin, Micah Fialka-Feldman, Jacob Myers, Ariel Schwartz, and Katherine McDonald, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 121-128
E15.00 PH01 146

Data decisions and ethics : the case of stakeholder-engaged research / Melody S. Goodman, Kristyn A. Pierce, James M. DuBois, and Vetta Sanders Thompson, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 219-244
E15.00 PH01 146

Demystifying how academic-community partnerships use refelxivity and praxis to promote participatory research principles of equity and justice / Jeni Hebert-Beirne, Sylvia Gonzalez, Melissa Chrusfield, Adlaide Holloway, Jennifer Plascencia Lopez, and Dolores Castañeda, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 65-79
E15.00 PH01 146

Disclosing errors of others / Lulia A. Kana, Emily Marchiano, Andrew G. Shuman, and Norman D. Hogikyan, 2022.
In: Difficult decisions in surgical ethics : an evidence-based approach / Vassyl A. Lonchyna ; Peggy Kelley ; Peter Angelos, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-84625-1. - S. 229-239
E15.00 LONC 2022.01

The impact of uncertainties on physician's health and wellbeing / Marko Curkovic, Dora Polsek, Marta Skelin, Petrana Brecic, and Norman Satorius, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 317-343
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Intelligent operating theater : smart cyber operating theater (SCOT) / Kazuhiro Hongo, Tetsuya Goto, Yu Fujii, Toshihiro Ogiwara, Tetsuyoshi Horiuchi, and Yoshihiro Muragaki, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 357-365
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Introducing the downtown eastside community research ethics workshop : notes on a process for community ethics review / Scott D. Neufeld, Jule Chapman, Nicolas D. Leech-Crier, Samona Marsh, and Jim McLeod, 2023.
In: Ethical issues in community and patient stakeholder-engaged health research / Emily E. Anderson, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (Philosophy and Medicine ; 146). - ISBN 978-3-031-40379-8. - S. 299-322
E15.00 PH01 146

Medical professionalism sociological framework / Gordana Cerjan Letica, Tea Vukusic Rukavina, Ana Borovecki, Marko Marelic, Marko Curkovic, and Stjepan Oreskovic, 2022.
In: The bridge between bioethics and medical practice : medical professionalism / Marko Curkovic ; Ana Borovecki, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (The international library of bioethics ; 98). - ISBN 978-3-031-09733-1. - S. 81-109
E15.00 CURK 2022.01

Metacognition in neurosurgery / Bharath Raju, Fareed Jumah, Anmol Nagaraj, and Anil Nanda, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 69-76
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Neurosurgical training in LMIC : opportunities and challenges / Ulrick Sidney Kanmounye, Maguette Mbaye, Woralux Phusoongnern, Mihai-Stelian Moreanu, Milagros Niquen-Jimenez, and Gail Rosseau, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 219-227
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Simulation in operative neurosurgery : past, present, and future / Felix Jozsa, Joseph Davids, Hugo Layard Horsfall, and Hani J. Marcus, 2022.
In: Learning and career development in neurosurgery : values-based medical education / Ahmed Ammar, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-02078-0. - S. 337-347
E15.00 AMMA 2022.01

Trends, puzzles, and hopes for the future of health care : introduction / Sepehr Ehsani, Patrick Glauner, Philipp Plugmann, and Florian M. Thieringer, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 1-24
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

Using artificial intelligence for the specification of m-Health and e-Health systems / Kevin Lano, Sobhan Y. Tehrani, Mohammad Umar, and Lyan Alwakeel, 2022.
In: The future circle of healthcare : AI, 3D printing, longevity, ethics, and uncertainty mitigation / Sepehr Ehsani ; Patrick Glauner ; Philipp Plugmann ; Florian M. Thieringer, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-030-99838-7. - S. 273-299
E15.00 EHSA 2022.01

15.09 Ethik des Gesundheitswesens

Addo, Marylyn M.: Notfallimpfstoffe : wie sieht die Zukunft aus? / Marylyn M. Addo, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 68-71
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Bartenschlager, Ralf: Sind Breitspektrum-Antiinfektiva die Therapie der Zukunft? / Ralf Bartenschlager, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 62-67
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Baxter, Janella: Specificity as a guide for safe use of human germline gene editing : a response to Sarkar's "Cut and Paste Genetics" / Janella Baxter, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 349-354
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Beyleveld, Deryck: Moral interests, privacy, and medical research / Deryck Beyleveld and Shaun D. Pattinson, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 61-73
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Boylan, Michael: Clean water / Michael Boylan, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 291-305
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Boylan, Michael: The extended shared community worldview imperative : becoming a citizen of the world / Michael Boylan, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 21-30
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Boylan, Michael: International public health: morality, politics, poverty, war, disease : introduction / Michael Boylan, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 1-18
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Brown, Karen: Disparities, discrimination, and advocacy / Karen Brown and Laura Dryjanska, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 91-109
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Cummiskey, David: Health care justice : the social insurance approach / David Cummiskey, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 173-190
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Daniels, Norman: International health inequalities and global justice / Norman Daniels, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 125-145
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Dreier, Horst: Verfassungsrechtliche Aspekte der Pandemiebekämpfung / Horst Dreier, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 124-133
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Dryjanska, Laura: COVID-19's impact on the world's population / Laura Dryjanska and Peter Battista, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 51-69
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Giordano, Simona: Ethics of management of gender atypical organisation in children and adolescents / Simona Giordano, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 267-290
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Gordon, John-Stewart: Poverty, human rights, and just distribution / John-Stewart Gordon, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 147-157
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Graf, Jürgen: Pandemic preparedness : lessons learned?! / Jürgen Graf, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 18-29
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Grimm, Veronika: Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Pandemie / Veronika Grimm, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 114-123
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Hall, Megan: COVID-19 testing, preventative measures, and ethical issues / Megan Hall, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 217-235
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Hessler, Kristen: Exploring the philosophical foundations of the human rights approach to international public health ethics / Kristen Hessler, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 47-59
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Illies, Christian: Why should we help the poor? : Philosophy and poverty / Christian Illies, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 159-171
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Knobloch, Jörn: Welches wissenschaftliche (Nicht-)Wissen hat die politischen Handlungsoptionen während der Pandemie geprägt? / Jörn Knobloch, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 52-61
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Korn, Lars: Sozial- und verhaltenswissenschaftliche Daten als wichtiger Baustein des Pandemiemanagements / Lars Korn, Cornelia Betsch und Philipp Sprengholz, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 83-90
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Krause, Gérard: Chancen der Digitalisierung im Epidemie-Management : eine persönliche Sicht / Gérard Krause, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 134-144
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Kräusslich, Hans-Georg: Wie gut ist die Wissenschaft auf die nächste Pandemie vorbereitet? / Hans-Georg Kräusslich, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 98-103
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Kupferschmidt, Kai: Infodemie und die Rolle der Medien / Kai Kupferschmidt, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 145-149
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Lanthaler, Werner: Effektive Wirkstoffforschung zur Pandemieprävention / Werner Lanthaler, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 78-82
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Latham, Stephen R.: The ethics and politics of healthcare resource allocation during Covid / Stephen R. Latham, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 329-339
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Latif, Mojib: Einführung "Akademie der Wissenschaften Hamburg" / Mojib Latif, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 1-2
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Lohse, Ansgar W.: Einführung "Symposium Infektionen und Gesellschaft - was wir gelernt haben" / Ansgar W. Lohse, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 3-8
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Matose, Takunda: Contemporary public health in Africa through a philosophical and bioethical lens / Takunda Matose, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 319-328
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Mettenleiter, Thomas: Was lehrt uns One Health? / Thomas Mettenleiter, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 36-41
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Newman, Stuart A.: Good reasons to avoid germline intervention : a response tp Sahotra Sarkar / Stuart A. Newman, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 355-368
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Nida-Rümelin, Julian: Zwischen Datenschutz und Gesundheitsschutz : ethische Abwägungen zwischen individuellen Rechten und kollektiven Pflichten in der Pandemiekrise / Julian Nida-Rümelin, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 161-165
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Nimue Ackerman, Felicia: What, if anything, should count as elder abuse? / Felicia Nimue Ackerman, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 309-318
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Osten, Philipp: Nach der Seuche : wie und wozu wurden historische Eindämmungsmaßnahmen evaluiert? / Philipp Osten, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 42-51
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Oxenius, Annette: Wissenschaft und Politik in der Pandemie : eine Schweizer Perspektive / Annette Oxenius und Urs Karrer, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 104-113
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Purdy, Laura: Exporting the "culture of life" / Laura Purdy, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 107-122
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Quigley, Muireann: Personal and public health? / Muireann Quigley, John Harris, and Joseph Roberts, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 31-46
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Rami, Falu: Health care during COVID 19 : systems and new developments / Falu Rami, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 71-90
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Rami, Falu: Healthcare disparities : vulnerable and marginalized populations / Falu Rami, LaShawn Thompson, and Lizette Solis-Cortes, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 111-145
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Rohde, Cornelius: Schnelle und sichere Impfstoffe gegen potenziell pandemische Viren : können wir uns darauf verlassen? / Cornelius Rohde und Stephan Becker, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 72-77
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Sarkar, Sahotra: CRISPR and cut-and-paste genetics : a summary / Sahotra Sarkar, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 341-347
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Sarkar, Sahotra: Cut-and-paste genetics : a response to Newman and Baxter / Sahotra Sarkar, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 369-376
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Searight, H. Russell: COVID-19 : ethical dilemmas / H. Russel Searight, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 147-173
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Searight, H. Russell: COVID-19's worldwide impact and a history of epidemics / H. Russel Searight, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 1-17
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Searight, H. Russell: COVID-19: where are we now? : What have we learned? / H. Russel Searight, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 237-253
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Searight, H. Russell: The pre-existing conditions influencing COVID-19's impact / H. Russel Searight, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 19-50
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Searight, H. Russell: Vaccines and vaccinations / H. Russel Searight, 2023.
In: Covid-19: health disparities and ethical challenges across the globe / H. Russell Searight, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-26200-5. - S. 175-216
E15.09 SEAR 2023.01

Selgelid, Michael J.: TB matters more / Michael J. Selgelid, Paul M. Kelly, and Adrian Sleigh, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 251-265
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Simon, Judith: Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft : philosophische Erwägungen / Judith Simon, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 30-35
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Stöhr, Klaus: Was das nächste Mal besser laufen sollte / Klaus Stöhr, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 150-160
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Syse, Henrik: Investments, universal ownership, and public health / Henrik Syse, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 191-204
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Teays, Wanda: Torture and public health / Wanda Teays, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 75-106
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Tong, Rosemarie: Shaping ethical guidelines for an influenza pandemic / Rosemarie Tong, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 233-249
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

Ullmann, Andrew: Einsichten der nationalen und globalen Gesundheitspolitik / Andrew Ullmann, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 9-17
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Wicker, Sabine: Impfpflicht in den Gesundheitsberufen : Chancen und Risiken / Sabine Wicker, 2022.
In: Infektionen und Gesellschaft : was haben wir von COVID-19 gelernt? / Ansgar W. Lohse ; Thomas C. Mettenleitner, Hrsg. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-662-66073-7. - S. 91-97
E15.09 LOHS 2022.01

Toward control of infectious disease : ethical challenges for a global effort / Margaret P. Battin, Charles B. Smith, Leslie P. Francis, and Jay A. Jacobson, 2023.
In: International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, ed. - 2. ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - (The international library of bioethics ; 106). - ISBN 978-3-031-39973-2. - S. 207-231
E15.09 BOYL 2023.01

15.11 Ethik der Psychiatrie

Ademosu, Temitope: Madness, mythopoetry and medicine / Temitope Ademosu, Tutiette Thomas, and Sola Adebiyi, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 95-102
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Al-Taiar, Hasanen: Multidisciplinary teamwork and the insanity defence : a case of infanticide in Iraq / Hasanen Al-Taiar, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 149-153
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Aragona, Massimiliano: The role of culture, values and trauma in shaping abnormal bodily experience in migrants / Massimiliano Aragona, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 37-44
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Austin, Rosalind: Values-based practice when engaging with voice-hearers / Rosalind Austin, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 297-304
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Bennett, Michael: Case studies in the culture of professional football players and mental welfare and wellbeing / Michael Bennett, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 325-329
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Browne, Tamara Kayali: Know thyself : Jane discovers the value of her depression / Tamara Kayali Browne, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 319-324
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Crepaz-Keay, David: Journey into genes : cultural values and the (near) future of genetic counselling in mental health / David Crepaz-Keay, Jehannine Austin, and Lauren Weeks, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 245-255
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Crepaz-Keay, David: Three points in time : how values and culture affected my life, madness and the people around me / David Crepaz-Keay, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 189-196
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Di Nicola, Vincenzo: Antonella: 'a stranger in the family' : a case study of eating disorders across cultures / Vincenzo Di Nicola, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 27-35
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Evangelista, Julia: Colonial values and asylum care in Brazil : reclaiming the streets through carnival in Rio de Janeiro / Julia Evangelista and William A. Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 155-161
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Linking science with people : an introduction to part IV, science / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 209-219
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Migration narratives : an introduction to part I, exemplars / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 17-25
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Surprised by values : an introduction to values-based practice and the use of personal narratives in this book / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 1-14
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Theory first : an introduction to part II, theory / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 53-58
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Training for task : an introduction to part V, training / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 287-295
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Fulford, K. W. M.: Vectors of best practice : an introduction to part III, practice / Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 129-138
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Gennart, Michèle: Ethos, embodiment, psychosis : losing one's home-identity stakes / Michèle Gennart, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 77-83
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Hung, Sik Hin: Dharma therapy : a Buddhist counselling approach to acknowledging and enhancing perspectives, attitudes and values / Sik Hin Hung and Jennifer Yim Shui Wa, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 305-311
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Keen, Justine: Recovery and cultural values : on our own terms (a dialogue) / Justine Keen and Richard J. Shaw, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 197-205
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Knox, Taryn: Sexual orientation change efforts and VBP / Taryn Knox, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 331-339
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Kong, Camillia: African personhood, humanism, and critical sankofaism : the case of male suicide in Ghana / Camillia Kong, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 85-93
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Lopes, Ana Cristina: Spiritual, religious and ethical values in a suicidal individual / Ana Cristina Lopes and Diogo Telles Correia, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 109-115
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Matanova, Vanya: Cross-cultural factors and identity in adolescence / Vanya Matanova and Anna Hristova, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 139-147
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

McBride, Hillary Lianna: Inside and out : how western patriarchal cultural contexts shape women's relationships with their bodies / Hillary Lianna McBride and Janelle Lynne Kwee, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 103-108
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Messas, Guilherme: Alcohol use disorder in a culture that normalizes the consumption of alcoholic beverages : the conflicts for decision-making / Guilherme (G) Messas and Maria Julia (MJFR) Soares, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 163-170
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Mitrev, I.: Non-traditional religion, hyper-religiosity and psychopathology : the story of Ivan from Bulgaria / I. Mitrev and M. Y. Mantarkov, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 237-243
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Natu, Sadhana: Disha: building bridges-removing barriers : where excluded and privileged young adults meet / Sadhana Natu, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 351-357
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Pickering, Neil: Covert treatment in a cross-cultural setting / Neil Pickering, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 263-271
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Popov, S. P.: Premorbid personality and expatriation as possible risk factors for brief psychotic disorder : a case report from post-Soviet Bulgaria / S. P. Popov and M. Y. Mantarkov, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 45-50
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Rashed, Mohammed Abouelleil: Dangerous liaisons : science, tradition, and Qur'anic healing in the Dakhla Oasis of Egypt / Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed and Werdie Van Steden, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 313-318
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Roeg, Waldo: Discovering myself, a journey of rediscovery / Waldo Roeg, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 279-284
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Sakakibara, Eisuke: Treatment of social anxiety disorder or neuroenhancement fo socially accepted modesty? : the case of Ms. Suzuki / Eisuke Sakakibara, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 229-235
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Scheibenbogen, Oliver: The will to beauty as a therapeutic agent : aesthetic values in the treatment of addictive disorders / Oliver Scheibenbogen and Michael Musalek, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 59-67
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Stanghellini, Giovanni: Anorexia as religion : ocularcentrism as a cultural value and a compensation strategy in persons with eating disorders / Giovanni Stanghellini and Milena Mancini, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 69-75
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Stoyanov, Drozdstoy: Living at the edge of compromise : Balkan pluralism as a resource for balanced decision-making / Drozdstoy Stoyanov and Bill Fulford, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 171-178
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Todeva-Radneva, Anna: A cross-cultural values-based approach to the diagnosis and treatment of dissociative (conversion) disorders / Anna Todeva-Radneva and Asen Beshkov, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 221-227
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Ujewe, Samuel: Policy-making indabas to prevent "not listening" : an added recommendation from the Life Esidimeni tragedy / Samuel Ujewe and Werdie Van Staden, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 257-262
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Van Staden, Werdie: "Thinking too much" : a clash of legitimate values in clinical practice calls for an indaba guided by African values-based practice / Werdie Van Staden, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 179-187
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Wong, Michael T. H.: Values, meanings, hermeneutics and mental health / Michael TH Wong, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 341-349
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Zou, Xiang: Discouragement towards seeking health care of older people in rural China : the influence of cultural and structural constraints / Xiang Zou, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 273-278
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

Cultural values, religion and psychosis : five short stories / Michael TH Wong, Fiona Wilson, Dennisa Davidson, Caitlin Hick, and Andrew Howie, 2021.
In: International perspectives in value-based mental health practice : case studies and commentaries / Drozdstoy Soyanov ; Bill Fulford ; Giovanni Stanghellini ; Werdie Van Staden ; Michael TH Wong, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-030-47852-0. - S. 117-125
E15.11 STOY 2021.01

15.12 Neuroethik

Baselga-Garriga, Clara: Neuro rights : a human rights solution to ethical issues of neurotechnologies / Clara Baselga Garriga, Paloma Rodriguez, and Rafael Yuste, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 157-161
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Chillón, José Manuel: The unitary sense of human being : a Husserlian approach against reductionism / José Manuel Chillón, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 19-30
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Cho, Mildred K.: Changing contexts of neuroinnovation : societal considerations / Mildred K. Cho, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 81-89
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Choi, Octavio: Neuroinnovation in medicine : history and future / Octavio Choi, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 13-55
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Crowden, Andrew: Neurotechnology, consent, place, and the ethics of data science genomics in the precision medicine clinic / Andrew Crowden and Matthew Gildersleeve, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 113-127
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Cuozzo, Gianluca: Responsibility : a theory of action between care for the world, ethology, and art / Gianluca Cuozzo, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 59-70
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Da Costa, Sabrina Correa: On the edges : the ethics of human studies with psychedelic substances / Sabrina Correa da Costa and Mehmet Sofuoglu, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 153-171
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Dresser, Laura P.: In the midst of uncertainty : neuroinnovation at the edge of consciousness / Laura P. Dresser and Christos Lazaridis, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 137-152
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Gare, Arran: Ethics and neuroscience : protecting consciousness / Arran Gare, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 31-40
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Hildt, Elisabeth: A conceptual appraoch to the right to mental integrity / Elisabeth Hildt, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 87-97
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Lavazza, Andrea: Free will and autonomy in the age of neurotechnologies / Andrea Lavazza, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 41-58
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

López-Silva, Pablo: The concept of mind in the neuroprotection debate / Pablo López-Silva, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 9-18
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

López-Silva, Pablo: Neurotechnologies and the human image : open questions on neuroprotection / Pablo López-Silva and Luca Valera, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 175-177
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

López-Silva, Pablo: Towards an ethical discussion of neurotechnological progress / Pablo López-Silva and Luca Valera, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 1-5
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Martinez-Martin, Nicole: Biomedical advances : neuroinnovation and technology / Nicole Martinez-Martin, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 91-101
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Roberts, Laura Weiss: The case for neuroinnovation : health burdens associated with psychiatric, addiction-related, and co-occurring disorders / Laura Weiss Roberts and Katie Ryan, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 3-12
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Saville, Diana: Into the wild : reflecting on neuroethics as innovation moves from the laboratory to society / Diana Saville, Albert Kim, Juan Enriquez, Karen Rommelfanger, Michael McCullough, Calvin Nguyen, and Abraham Dada, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 195-208
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Siqueiros Fernández, Enrique: Neuro-rights and ethical ecosystem : the Chilean legislation attempt / Enrique Siqueiros Fernández and Héctor Velázquez Fernández, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 129-137
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Sommaggio, Paolo: Neuroscience, neurolaw, and neurorights / Paolo Sommaggio, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 71-84
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Turner-Essel, Laura: Qualitative phase : codebook development / Laura Turner-Essel and Katie Ryan, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 229-250
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Valera, Luca: Mental integrity, vulnerability, and brain manipulations : a bioethical perspective / Luca Valera, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 99-111
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Wajnerman, Abel: Mental privacy and neuroprotection : an open debate / Abel Wajnerman and Pablo López-Silva, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 141-155
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

Clinical neuroinnovation : ethical frameworks and emerging issues / Max Kasun, Laura B. Dunn, Barton W. Palmer, Jane Paik Kim, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 57-79
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

In the courts : ethical and legal implications of emerging neuroscience technologies used for forensic purposes / W. Connor Darby, Michael MacIntyre, Richard G. Cockerill, Dustin B. Stephens, Robert Weinstock, and R. Ryan Darby, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 173-193
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

An innovation in neuroscience and neuroethics survey research : Amazon MTurk / Tenzin Tsungmey, Jane Paik Kim, Henry Termuehlen, Jodi Paik, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 303-314
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Introduction to our project : understanding ethically salient perspectives of diverse societal stakeholders in innovative neuroscience research on mental disorders / Laura Weiss Roberts, Katie Ryan, Jane Paik Kim, and Laura B. Dunn, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 211-227
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Neurosurgery and neuroinnovation in the surgical suite : the ethics of neurostimulation for severe obesity / Disep I. Ojukwu, Daniel A. N. Barbosa, Arthur L. Caplan, and Casey H. Halpern, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 117-136
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

The NIH's BRAIN 2025 agenda : attention to related ethical considerations / Tenzin Tsungmey, Jodi Paik, Laura Turner-Essel, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 103-113
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Qualitative findings : a focus on professional stakeholder perspectives on additional issues in research and clinical innovation in the brain / Max Kasun, Jodi Paik, Katie Ryan, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 291-302
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Qualitative findings : a focus on professional stakeholder perspectives on the environments and challenges of innovative neuroscience research / Max Kasun, Jodi Paik, Katie Ryan, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 277-290
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Qualitative findings : diverse stakeholder perspectives on ethical considerations in innovative neuroscience research involving human volunteers / Laura B. Dunn, Max Kasun, Katie Ryan, Kyle Lane-McKinley, and Laura Weiss Roberts, 2023.
In: Ethics and clinical neuroinnovation : fundamentals, stakeholders, case studies, and emerging issues / Laura Weiss Roberts, ed. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-14339-7. - S. 251-275
E15.12 ROBE 2023.01

Álamos, María Florencia: A technocratic oath / María Florencia Álamos, Leonie Kausel, Clara Baselga-Garriga, Paulina Ramos, Francisco Aboitiz, Xabier Uribe-Etxebarria, and Rafael Yuste, 2022.
In: Protecting the mind : challenges in law, neuroprotection, and neurorights / Pablo López-Silva ; Luca Valera, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - (Ethics of science and technology assessment ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-030-94032-4. - S. 163-174
E15.12 LOPE 2022.01

15.13 Ethik der Humanversuche

Baroutsou, Varvara: Medicines development for global health : learning from COVID-19 vaccines R&D / Varvara Baroutsou, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 273-282
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Chen, Ian: Response to COVID-19 pandemic and ethical innovations in Taiwan / Ian Chen, Yvonne Chen, and Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 57-67
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Dhai, Ames: Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine research, and vaccine apartheid on the African continent : challenges and recommendations / Ames Dhai, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 39-55
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Greco, Dirceu: Democracy restauration in Brazil, the constitutional guarantee of health care as a right for all, giving rise to a universal health care system (SUS) and of a national research ethics commission / Dirceu Greco and Bernardo Galvão-Castro, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 19-37
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Kimura, Rihito: Hidden medical war crimes and the emergence of bioethics in Japan / Rihito Kimura, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 139-148
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Kurihara, Chieko: Introduction to ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy, and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, and Ames Dhai, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 1-16
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Kurihara, Chieko: Our "WMA Declaration of Helsinki" : opinions and proposals from patient and public for research ethics / Chieko Kurihara, Keiko Inoue, Hiroto Kai, Katsura Suzuki, Haruko Saeki, Yoshikazu Funabashi, Noriko Kishi, Akemi Kuge, Toshie Murakami, Yoshiko Saito, Eiko Uchida, Naoki Tsutsumi, and Kyoko Imamura, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 243-269
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Kurihara, Chieko: Post-trial access : historical analysis considering the experience of COVID-19 pandemic / Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, and Ames Dhai, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 225-241
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Kurihara, Chieko: Therapeutic misconception as the basis for vaccine nationalism of Japan : a historical reflection and perspectives for global public health / Chieko Kurihara and Takeo Saio, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 105-130
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Parsa-Parsi, Ramin W.: The declaration of Helsinki as a living document : revisiting its principles in a global pandemic / Ramin W. Parsa-Parsi and Otmar Kloiber, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 133-137
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Ryu, Young-Joon: Between truth and profit : scientific misconduct case of human cloned embryonic stem cell and revisiting cases during the COVID-19 pandemic / Young-Joon Ryu, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 69-104
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Rägo, Lembit: CIOMS research guidelines : considering the needs of developing countries / Lembit Rägo and Monika Zweygarth, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 175-194
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Schmidt, Ulf: From Nuremberg to Helsinki : historicizing the codification of post-war research ethics / Ulf Schmidt, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 149-174
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Development of portfolios and pipelines of drug for the treatment, prevention and control of neglected tropical diseases / Kiyoshi Kita, Haruki Yamada, Fumiko Hirabayashi, and Simon L. Croft, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 283-296
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Ethics of placebo-controlled trials : historical analysis including experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic / Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, Ames Dhai, Takeo Saio, and Hiroe Tsubaki, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 195-224
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

Patient and public involvement (PPI) and pharmaceutical development through open innovation processes : recent activities / Kotone Matsuyama, Naoki Tsutsumi, Keiko Inoue, Noriko Iwaya, and Kyoko Imamura, 2023.
In: Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara ; Dirceu Greco ; Ames Dhai, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-981-99-6163-4. - S. 297-312
E15.13 KURI 2023.01

15.17 Ethik der Fortpflanzungsmedizin

Aljalian, Natasha: Basic primer on principles and philosophy applicable to reproductive bioethics / Natasha Aljalian and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 3-12
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Amato, Paula: Medically assisted reproduction and transgender persons / Paula Amato, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 113-122
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Band, Isabelle C.: Access to care for the underserved / Isabelle C. Band and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 141-148
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Band, Isabelle C.: Fertility services for patients with medical comorbidities / Isabelle C. Band and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 55-60
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Band, Isabelle C.: Provision of fertility services without regard to marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity / Isabelle C. Band and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 105-112
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Band, Isabelle C.: Third party reproduction / Isabelle C. Band and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 99-104
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Brennan, Lacey: Sex selection for nonmedical reasons / Lacey Brennan, Isabelle C. Band, and Louise P. King, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 49-54
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Cameron, Katherine: Posthumous gamete collection and use / Katherine Cameron and Samantha Butts, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 79-88
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Cameron, Katherine: Social egg freezing and fertility preservation / Katherine Cameron and Clarisa Gracia, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 123-131
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Daar, Judith: Emerging reproductive technologies : regulating into the void / Judith Daar, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 13-34
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Hammer, Karissa: Anonymity and other concerns in gamete donation assisted reproduction / Karissa Hammer and Shruthi Mahalingaiah, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 89-97
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Hershlag, Avner: Preimplantation genetic testing for adult-onset conditions / Avner Hershlag, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 61-69
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Klipstein, Sigal: Transfer of embryos affected by genetic disease / Sigal Klipstein, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 37-42
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Stovall, Dale W.: Fertility services for patients of advanced reproductive age / Dale W. Stovall, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 71-77
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Thornton, Kim L.: Selection to transfer aneuploidy/mosaic embryos / Kim L. Thornton, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 43-48
E15.17 KING 2023.01

Torrealday, Saioa: Disposition of abandoned cryopreserved human embryos / Saioa Torrealday, Sangita K. Jindal, and Lubna Pal, 2023.
In: Case studies in the ethics of assisted reproduction / Louise P. King ; Isabelle C. Band, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-41215-8. - S. 133-139
E15.17 KING 2023.01

15.29 Sterben und Tod

Chabot, Boudewijn: Informationen zum freiwilligen Verrzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit : was man darüber wissen sollte / Boudewijn Chabot, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 43-60
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Chabot, Boudewijn: Informationen zum freiwilligen Verrzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit : was zu tun ist / Boudewijn Chabot, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 61-89
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Chabot, Boudewijn: Physiologische Aspekte des FVNF : subjektive Erfahrungen ; Umgang mit nicht mehr einwilligungsfähigen Patienten / Boudewijn Chabot, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 90-111
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Chabot, Boudewijn: Vier Personen, die durch Sterbefasten den Tod vorzeitig herbeiführen / Boudewijn Chabot, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 19-42
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Walther, Christian: Ethische Aspekte des freiwilligen Verzichts auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit / Christian Walther, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 136-156
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Walther, Christian: Rechtliche Fragen zum beabsichtigten, vorzeitigen Versterben durch Verzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit / Christian Walther, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 112-135
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

Walther, Christian: Sterbefasten und Hospizbewegung / Christian Walther, 2021.
In: Ausweg am Lebensende : Sterbefasten - selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken / Boudewijn Chabot ; Christian Walther. - 6., überarb. Aufl. - München : Reinhardt, (2021). - ISBN 978-3-497-03049-1 - ISBN 3-497-03049-X. - S. 157-171
15.29 CHAB 2021.01

15.43 Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis

Billeri, Ilaria: The medical doing on the person / Ilaria Billeri, Silvia Dadà, and Francesco Giunta, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 85-94
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Capolongo, Stefano: To care for a patient as a person : emotional architecture of the environment / Stefano Capolongo and Marco Gola, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 193-201
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Giorgetti, Assuero: Between the doctor and the patient : history of the relationship / Assuero Giorgetti, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 3-13
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Gobo, Giampietro: A systemic approach to health and disease : the interaction of individuals, medicines, cultures and environments / Giampietro Gobo, Enrico Campo, and Emanuela Portalupi, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 39-53
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Grigolini, Paolo: Human complexity : a symphony of vital rhythms / Paolo Grigolini, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 131-151
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Iacono, Alfonso Maurizio: Between the doctor and the patient : origins of an intermediate world / Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 25-37
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Iacono, Alfonso Maurizio: Medicine : the science in-between / Alfonso Maurizio Iacono and Alessandro Pingitore, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 235-240
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Iacono, Alfonso Maurizio: The ward as a scene / Alfonso Maurizio Iacono and Alessandro Pingitore, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 55-61
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Iervasi, Giorgio: An integrated and systemic approach to the patient : beyond evidence based medicine / Giorgio Iervasi, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 221-234
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Marini, Maria Giulia: The history of narrative medicine : a way to know the patient dimension between Apollonian and Dionysian / Maria Giulia Marini, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 181-192
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Mastorci, Francesca: Toward patient care : integrative and complementary approaches / Francesca Mastorci, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 119-129
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Mori, Luca: The relationship between the doctor and the patient : the ancient conceptions of philosophy as medicine / Luca Mori, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 15-23
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Neri, Bruno: Spirituality in medicine : a new dimension in the light of a millennial tradition / Bruno Neri, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 153-170
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Orrù, Graziella: Between the doctor and the patient : the role of the unconscious in the relationship / Gaziella Orrù, Ciro Conversano, and Angelo Gemignani, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 63-84
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Piaggi, Paolo: Big data and precision medicine / Paolo Piaggi, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 101-107
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Pingitore, Alessandro: The body of Descartes and humanism in medicine / Alessandro Pingitore and Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 171-180
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Pingitore, Alessandro: A dialogue between a philosopher and a doctor / Alessandro Pingitore and Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 241-253
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Vanni, Maurizio: Beauty saves. Culture cures / Maurizio Vanni, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 203-220
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Vinciguerra, Sergio Maria Giovanni: Rehabilitation after a disease : what is "normality" after an invalidating disease? / Sergio Maria Giovanni Vinciguerra and Valerio Sarmati, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 109-115
E15.43 PING 2023.01

Consent and trust in the doctor patient relationship / Philipp Bonhoeffer, Federico Festa, Lamia Ait Ali, and Pierluigi Festa, 2023.
In: The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Alessandro Pingitore ; Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2023). - ISBN 978-3-031-23852-9. - S. 95-100
E15.43 PING 2023.01

15.55 Ethik des Datenschutzes

Cabraja, Mario: Polymethyl methacrylate : an acceptable material for tissue augmentation and reconstruction / Mario Cabraja, Jack Klecan and Glyn O. Phillips, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 253-274
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Harshman, Daniel D.: Litigation risks facing tissue banks in the United States / Daniel D. Harshman, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 65-83
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Hartill, Caroline A.: Legal issues associated with producing and marketing tissues internationally / Caroline A. Hartill, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 227-233
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Hergert, Peter: Germany: regulation of tissues and tissue banking : a special case / Peter Hergert and Ralf R. Tönjes, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 211-226
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Hutchison, Deborah R.: The legal and regulatory framework for tissues and cells in the European Union / Deborah R. Hutchison, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 31-64
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Kairiyama, Eulogia: Legal system for tissue banking in Latin America / Eulogia Kairiyama, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 149-196
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Lazares, Helena: A retrospective look at the largest recall of processed bone tissue in history / Helena Lazares and John T. Salvucci, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 235-251
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Morales Pedraza, Jorge: The importance of a code of ethics and a code of practice for tissue establishments / Jorge Morales Pedraza, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 85-99
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Myint, Peter: Legal framework for international operation of tissue banks / Peter Myint, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 13-30
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Nather, Aziz: Ethical, religious, legal and cultural issues for tissue banking, with special reference to the Asia-Pacific region / Aziz Nather and Wee Lin, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 101-119
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Phillips, Glyn O.: From a cottage industry to a global business : introduction / Glyn O. Phillips, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 1-11
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Phillips, Glyn O.: Independence for Wales from the remainder of the United Kingdom : a change from informed consent to presumed consent / Glyn O. Phillips, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 205-210
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Xing, Li Bao: Establishing a legal system for tissue banking in China / Li Bao Xing, Zhao Yaping and Glyn O. Phillips, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 197-204
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

Yusof, Norimah: Challenges for tissue banking in the Asia-Pacific region and recent progress in Malaysia / Norimah Yusof, 2016.
In: Legal basis of global tissue banking : a proactive clinical perspective / ed. Glyn O. Phillips. - Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ., (2016). - ISBN 978-981-4663-43-4. - S. 121-147
15.55 PHIL 2016.01

nach oben

Ethik in Politik und Gesellschaft

22.00 Ethik in Politik und Gesellschaft

Adams, Raymond: Modern epidemiological impacts on black men's health : using a social justice-oriented analysis / Raymond Adams, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 3-16
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Beckett, Kara: "The talk" revisited : expanding the conversation with black males in trauma / Kara Beckett, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 109-120
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Clayton, Dewey M.: Advocacy, politics, and the sporting world's responses to racial unrest / Dewey M. Clayton, Sharon D. Jones-Eversley, and Sharon E. Moore, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 155-168
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Culp, Brian: Positionality and unpacking current perspectives on black male health toward transformative action / Brian Culp, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 29-44
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Harden, Troy: Black masculinity remixed / Troy Harden and John Zeigler, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 69-84
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Nichols, Quienton L.: Innovative strategies to engage black men in research / Quienton L. Nichols, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 121-131
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Robinson, Michael A.: Social justice implications for black men's health : policing black bodies / Michael A. Robinson, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 169-179
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Robinson-Dooley, Vanessa: Beyond moving the ball in youth sports : making the case for mental health for black youth / Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 47-55
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Skott-Myhre, Hans: The psychological colonization of black masculinity : decolonizing mainstream psychology for white allies working in mental health with black men / Hans Skott-Myhre and Kathleen Skott-Myhre, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 57-67
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Wade-Berg, Jennifer A.: Asserting voice : navigating service delivery and community resources / Jennifer A. Wade-Berg, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 101-107
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Watson, Jerry: Building a movement with black men : culture is the key / Jerry Watson and Gregory Washington, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 85-98
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Black men and healthy together : self-management of chronic disease and behavioral health / Evelina Sterling, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Carol Collard, and Tyler Collette, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 17-28
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

Social justice and black men's health / Shonda K. Lawrence, Jerry Watson, Kristie Lipford, Nathaniel Currie, and Malik Cooper, 2022.
In: Black men's health : a strengths-based approach through a social justice lens for helping professions / Yarneccia D. Dyson, Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Jerry Watson, eds. - Cham : Springer, (2022). - ISBN 978-3-031-04994-1. - S. 135-153
E22.00 DYSO 2022.01

nach oben


29.05 Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik

Geel, Nicole van: EROS ethical robotic systems : a multi-level framework for integrating ethics in robotics and AI / Nicole van Geel, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 391-405
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Hlias Plikas, John: Assessing the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) on job displacement through automation : a critical analysis of their impact on society / John Hlias Plikas, Panagiotis Trakadas, and Dimitris Kenourgios, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 313-325
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Hlias Plikas, John: On the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and economic growth (GDP) : the case of Europe / John Hlias Plikas, Panagiotis Trakadas, and Dimitris Kenourgios, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 327-342
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Kanwal, Neel: Balancing privacy and progress in artificial intelligence : anonymization in histopathology for biomedical research and education / Neel Kanwal, Emiel A. M. Janssen, and Kjersti Engan, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 417-429
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Koskina, Anthi: AI-driven innovation and discoveries in space exploration : the need for an adapted regulatory regime / Anthi Koskina, Olga Sykioti, and Manolis Plionis, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 377-390
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Olgen, Burcu: New frontiers for AI, eco-art, and public space intersection : fostering interactive environmental engagements / Burcu Olgen and Carmela Cucuzzella, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 343-357
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

AI hazard management : a framework for the systematic management of root causes for AI risks / Ronald Schnitzer, Andreas Hapfelmeier, Sven Gaube, and Sonja Zillner, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 359-375
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

Legal and ethical dimensions in addressing human rights in the design and implementation of artificial intelligence / Nikolaos Voudouris, Charalampos Patrikakis, Vasilka Sancin, and Sorin Adam Matei, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 409-415
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

SALab: computer-supported social arrangements laboratory / Ciske Smit, Matthew Scott, Asimina Mertzani, and Jeremy Pitt, 2024.
In: Frontiers of artificial intelligence, ethics, and multidisciplinary applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 / Mina Farmanbar ; Maria Tzamtzi ; Ajit Kumar Verma ; Antorweep Chakravorty, eds. - Singapore : Springer, (2024). - ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4. - S. 299-312
E29.05 FARM 2024.01

nach oben


80.04 Medizin- und Arzneimittelrecht

Aebi-Müller, Regina E.: Behandlungspflichten und Behandlungsentscheide bei Ressourcenknappheit / Regina E. Aebi-Müller, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 9-31
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Arnold, Jörg: "Triage" und Verbot der Benachteiligung von Menschen mit Behinderung / Jörg Arnold, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 33-76
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Ast, Stephan: Die ex-post-Triage : ein Blick auf die aktuelle Diskussion / Stephan Ast, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 77-90
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Beck, Susanne: Die Ärzteschaft : "Haftungsknechte" für politische und gesellschaftliche Entscheidungen in der Corona-Pandemie? / Susanne Beck ; Antonia Cohrs, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 91-108
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Bormann, Franz-Josef: Ein (medizin-)ethischer Blick auf die sog. Triage / Franz-Josef Bormann, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 109-130
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Frister, Helmut: Zur Priorisierung lebenserhaltender medizinischer Behandlungen / Helmut Frister, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 131-147
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Heinrich, Bernd: Die strafrechtliche Relevanz sachfremder Erwägungen für die Triage-Entscheidung / Bernd Heinrich, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 149-163
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Hilgendorf, Eric: Triage, Recht, und Ethik / Eric Hilgendorf, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 165-183
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Hoven, Elisa: Berücksichtigung von Lebensalter und Lebenserwartung : ein Nachtrag / Elisa Hoven, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 185-193
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Kinzig, Jörg: Erfolgsaussicht, Dringlichkeit oder doch etwas ganz Anderes? : Kriterien bei der Aufnahmetriage im Kontext der COVID-19- Pandemie / Jörg Kinzig ; Franziska Maubach, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 195-216
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Kubiciel, Michael: Die Triage in der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion / Michael Kubiciel, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 217-230
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Kuhli, Milan: Aufopferung zugunsten des Gemeinwohls? : Zum Zeitgeist des Triage-Strafrechts / Milan Kuhli, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 231-247
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Mitsch, Wolfgang: Die rechtfertigende Pflichtenkollision als dogmatische Basis der "Triage" / Wolfgang Mitsch, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 249-263
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Rostalski, Frauke: (Straf-)Rechtliche Verantwortlichkeit in Fällen der Triage : zugleich eine funktional-rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung / Frauke Rostalski, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 265-292
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Sowada, Christoph: Corona-Triage aus strafrechtlicher Perspektive / Christoph Sowada, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 293-322
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Tuñón, Lucila: Alter, fair innings und "ex ante"-Triage / María Lucila Tuñón Corti, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 323-340
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Waßmer, Martin Paul: Zur Strafbarkeit der Triage in der Covid-19-Pandemie / Martin Paul Waßmer, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 341-360
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Wehler, Markus: Pandemie COVID-19 : Empfehlungen zur Triage bei intensivmedizinischer Ressourcenknappheit im Katastrophenfall / Markus Wehler, Philipp Deetjen, Florian Gerheuser, Felix Joachimski, Hauke Schneider, Michael Wittmann und Michael C. Frühwald, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 361-374
E80.04 HILG 2021.01

Weigend, Thomas: Auf dem Weg zu einer Regelung der Triage / Thomas Weigend, 2021.
In: Triage in der (Strafrechts-) Wissenschaft / Eric Hilgendorf ; Elisa Hoven ; Frauke Rostalski (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, (2021). - (Schriften zum Medizinstrafrecht ; 20). - ISBN 978-3-7489-2738-9. - S. 375-395
E80.04 HILG 2021.01
